Today has been our best day in China!!!! Callie Beth did GREAT today,
and we had no crying or screaming episodes until bedtime. That scene
didn't last long because I got her out and rocked her to sleep. She has
truly had a WONDERFUL day!!!!
This morning we visited the Buddhist temple and the Old Chen House, as
well as the Provincial Arts and Crafts Shopping Center. I'm not going
to bore you with details of these stops.
At The Temple |
Since we had a group dinner planned tonight at The Macaw, a Portuguese
restaurant, we decided the girls needed a nap this afternoon, so we
opted to stay in the room. After much playing and some hopping from one
bed to the other, our little monkeys went to
sleep and took a good nap, as did Roger.
Whoa! |
Naptime? I don't think so! | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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Our meal at The Macaw was the BEST meal I've had the entire trip!!! It
was fun being with others in the group. We had two round tables with 16
adults and 9 babies. Both Molly Kate and Callie Beth LOVED the
After supper we took a short walk with our friends, Joey and Tasha. We
had to come back to the room for diaper changes, and then Roger, the
girls, and I went for a LONG walk. When we got back to the hotel, we
went into Starbucks and purchased the girls' first
drink from there. I have included a picture of them with their
Loving that Starbucks Daddy is giving them! |
Snacktime! |
I want to conclude this post with sharing MORE things I've learned about Callie Beth.
1. She can make the biggest splashes of any child I have ever seen!!!!!
The Splasher!
2. She can say, "Thank you!"
3. Every time I take a picture of her, as soon as the camera flashes, she puts this
HUGE smile on her face and says, "WHOA!!!"
4. She gets more loving each day, and is already like a LEECH with me!!! I LOVE IT!!!!
Tomorrow we will be taking Callie Beth for her medical exam and for her
visa photo. It will be a LONG morning!!! All of the daddies will be
meeting with our guides tomorrow afternoon to do MORE paperwork, and
then after that, we are heading to Shamien Island
Vicki :)